The Quick Note Platform

Refactor Note

Relase 1.2.75: Text Input Overall 3.1 Tweak Nov 9, 2024

Hi folks. Small tweak to Arjack's huge overhaul of the note input field. I added a hex field selection for text color, as some of you were asking for more robust color choices.And I of course had to one up Arjack, as is tradition.

Be well,

Edits   0

Refactor Note

Release 1.2.8: New UI Jan 12, 2025

Minor updates to the UI based on W3 css. I'll keep refactoring the edit option for users. Since some of you have been asking I do have a Patreon! I'll be sure to post the details in the user section.


Edits   2

About Sticky Post

This started as a project between Benami, Randal and I to have a quick way to share digital 'post it' notes between ourselves in college without the headaches of publically available content like with Pastebin. It's turned into the modest little note taking engine we all know and love through the hardwark of our tiny crew and the small but dedicated support of our peers (even as we had to hop domains in 2025). It's become a passion project of ours to provide you guys with a more secure way to share your notes without every bit of your personal data being tracked and stored. I hope you all continue to love using this service we will provide as long as we are able.


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